How to Leverage Artificial Intelligence in SEO for 2023

by | Jul 20, 2023

Does the thought of embracing artificial intelligence (AI) scare you?

Here’s the thing: it’s been around longer than you think. You’ve probably already used it more than once in the last hour alone.

Did you ask Siri to help you call your boss to tell him you’d be late today? Or have Grammarly check your company newsletter for grammatical errors? Or use your face to unlock your phone so you could check your social media accounts on your lunch break?

Then you used AI today.

Sure, the newer technologies like ChatGPT are getting lots of attention right now. But some of the most exciting AI-driven tools are the ones that blow your SEO game out of the water.
If you’re ready to put AI in your corner and start outperforming the competition, this post is for you.

10 ChatGPT SEO Prompts - Ebook Cover
🔗DOWNLOAD: 10 ChatGPT SEO Prompts to 10X Your Output Incorporate generative AI into your SEO workflows to save time, get better output, and drive more organic results. Get this Ebook now to copy-and-paste our best prompts! (BONUS now with 4 more alluring prompts added)

Short Summary

  • AI-powered SEO is becoming increasingly important for businesses to stay competitive in the digital landscape.
  • AI offers efficiency and time savings, better targeting and keyword research, enhanced user experience, higher search rankings & scalability to thrive online.
  • Businesses can implement successful AI strategies with practical steps such as analyzing performance, choosing tools & monitoring/adjusting strategy.

Understanding AI in SEO: A New Era

AI and search engine optimization working together to improve website rankings

AI is revolutionizing the field of SEO. Businesses no longer have to rely on manual keyword research and content optimization alone. Your team can put AI in the driver’s seat now. In other words, it’s time to give the heaviest SEO tasks to the robots and let the humans focus on the tasks only humans can do.

The Role of AI in SEO

The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to improve website performance and search engine rankings. Here are five key tasks AI can do to help with that:

  • Identify which keywords you should include in your content—from social media posts to web copy to long-form articles

  • Automate tasks that take up your valuable time
  • Refine search engine ranking factors
  • Analyze data and provide key insights for you to act on
  • Power the tools you need to organically improve your SEO performance


Did you notice the key ingredient in each of these bullet points?


That’s right. AI exists to help you do your best work more efficiently. It’s not here to replace you. AI’s job is to help you draft and optimize SEO content. Your job is to make sure that the content is relevant, accurate, and original.

Together, you and your favorite SEO AI tools make a powerful team.


Top 5 Benefits of AI-Powered SEO

AI-powered SEO tools helping to save time and increase efficiencyLet’s break down what AI SEO tools really offer businesses in terms of user experience, website performance, time and cost savings, and more.

Easy Keyword Research

By automating various SEO tasks, AI technology can help businesses deliver a user experience that is as relevant, beneficial, and tailored as possible.

One of the best things about AI-powered SEO is that it saves you time. Your favorite keyword research tools use AI to rapidly gather info about a term you enter into the search bar. 

Take the Semrush Keyword Magic tool, for instance. We typed in the term ai seo. Within a millisecond, the keyword research tool gave us 727 keywords with key data on each one, including: 

  • Search intent
  • Keyword difficulty
  • Cost per click
  • Competitive density
  • SERP features that come with the term

It’s impressive. 


semrush organic keyword

You don’t have to go digging through the People also ask section on Google for relevant keywords, only to wonder if they’re even worth ranking for.

An AI-powered SEO tool gives you everything you need so you can move on to the next step within minutes.

Better Audience Targeting

There’s nothing more important than understanding your target audience. These are the people who care enough about your product or service to invest their money into it. AI tools can help you scale your audience targeting efforts so you can get more insights in less time.

Customer segmentation is a prime example.

Let’s say that before you started your gluten-free dog treat business, you assumed your target audience would be child-free dog-moms in the 20-40-year-old age range. But once you go live, you realize that your efforts to cater to that audience aren’t bringing in the leads you expected. Social media and ad engagement are low, but somehow you’re still selling enough products to make a profit.

So who are your actual customers?

AI can perform the customer segmentation you need to find out. It can sort and process mass amounts of data. AI can even split it into behavioral, geographic, psychographic, and demographic groups for you. AI tools can even gather historical and current customer data and make predictions about future trends.

Your business can take the results and make improvements. Suppose you decide to use AI to learn more about your dog treat business customers. To your surprise, most buyers are actually in the 60-80-year-old age range, not the 20-40-year-old range you first thought. Now you can reframe and retarget your ads to focus on those customers instead—and grow your revenue as a result.

Long story short, you get to funnel the time and energy you would have spent on segmentation and direct it into improving your SEO and advertisement efforts.

Enhanced Creativity

Whether you’re building a website on Wix or designing a logo on Adobe, AI tools can act as a creative assistant.

Adobe Sensei can understand what’s inside visual content like images, illustrations, and videos. When you need a specific visual asset, Sensei can provide a perfect match based on a detailed keyword search. For instance, let’s say you’re a wedding photographer. You’re trying to choose a photo for an ad targeted toward December weddings.

You’ve photographed hundreds of winter weddings, but you want to find a photo that includes the couple’s floral arrangement, falling snow, and the happy couple. You’ve taken just a few excellent photos like that, but you don’t have time to comb through millions of images until you find what you need.

With Sensei, you can use a super-specific search term like happy couple holding wedding flowers in falling snow. AI will look inside each image to find the ones with the three elements you’re looking for.

AI tools like Jasper can boost creativity by creating SEO-optimized content outlines and drafts for you.

jasper homepage

You can go in and add the human touch once the framework is in place. What’s better than skipping the first draft stage and heading right to the fun part?


AI allows businesses to scale their SEO efforts more easily, so they can adapt to changes in the market and continue to grow their online presence. The more complex your marketing strategies get, the more you can lean on AI to automate time-consuming tasks.

You can hand AI the duller aspects of content creation, data analysis, image tagging, and customer support. AI can even monitor the competition for you and deliver regular insights to help you stay ahead.

Higher Search Rankings

With AI tools for SEO, businesses can speed through keyword research, optimize content, and predict new trends. The end result? A consistent and valuable spot in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

This translates to a boost in organic traffic and that coveted online visibility.

Essential AI SEO Tools for Success

AI keyword research tools helping to identify relevant keywords and search intent

To take full advantage of AI in SEO, it’s important to develop a well-rounded toolkit of AI SEO tools. So let’s explore some of the most essential AI SEO tools and the benefits they offer.

1. ChatGPT

CHATGPT, with its advanced language processing capabilities, serves as a powerful tool for AI-driven SEO. By understanding and generating human-like text, it assists in creating high-quality, keyword-rich content that is both relevant and engaging to readers. This content optimization aligns with search engine algorithms, boosting a website’s search rankings. Additionally, CHATGPT can analyze search trends and user queries, offering insights for targeted content strategies. Its ability to generate diverse content types, from blog posts to meta descriptions, makes it an invaluable asset in crafting SEO strategies that resonate with both search engines and human audiences, ultimately enhancing online visibility and engagement.</ahref=”https:>

It’s incredibly diverse, so here are some SEO use cases:

    • Content Generation: Crafting engaging, SEO-optimized articles, blog posts, and web copy that are tailored to target keywords and user intent.
    • Keyword Research and Analysis: Utilizing CHATGPT’s language understanding capabilities to identify trending keywords and phrases, aiding in the development of focused SEO strategies.
    • Meta Data Creation: Automatically generating compelling meta titles and descriptions that improve click-through rates from search engine results pages.
    • Customer Query Response: Developing automated, informative responses to frequently asked questions, enhancing user experience and site relevance.
    • SEO Content Strategy: Assisting in planning and executing content calendars based on search trends and audience interests, ensuring consistent, relevant content delivery.
    • Competitive Analysis: Analyzing competitor content and SEO strategies to identify gaps and opportunities for optimization and improved search rankings.

 2. Can I Rank?

This tool uses cutting-edge data analysis to give you clear insights into all sorts of data. You can then use those insights to improve your content for better rankings.  

The tool also gives recommendations based on keyword difficulty scores. We’ve found that it’s great at identifying content, SEO, and social media opportunities.

3. Diib

Diib is an AI SEO tool that helps measure your site performance and manage analytics. It also helps identify opportunities for you to jump in and increase your visibility. Diib’s keyword suggestions help you improve your rankings. Its comparative analysis tool helps you track your performance compared to peers. 

4. Pave AI

PaveAI is an AI-based tool that enhances marketing strategy. How, you ask? By surfing across millions of marketing channels for you and bringing back recommendations that align with your brand, audience, products, and services.  

5. WordLift

This tool transforms content into structured data, enabling your website to speak Google’s language. WordLift offers features like Automatic Schema markup, rich snippets, and content recommendation widgets. You’ll soon be waving hello to your new SERP top spot.

6. Alli AI

An all-in-one SEO platform, Alli AI is your SEO pocketknife. It does everything. Need help with keyword research? Check. Building quality backlinks? Check. Optimizing your web, ad, and social media content? Triple check. 


This tool helps you produce content for various platforms. With a brief prompt, generates multiple content options that you can edit or regenerate.

8. Frase

Frase allows you to optimize content for VSEO by building copy around popular search queries. You can use Frase for the whole lifecycle of content creation, from research and outlining to writing and optimization.

Our Favorite AI Keyword Research Tools

AI keyword research tools, like Twinword and Semrush, can help you identify relevant keywords and optimize your content. Semrush alone offers a comprehensive suite of 76 AI SEO tools for:

  • Competitor keyword analysis
  • Link-building strategies
  • Writing assistant
  • Content rephrasing
  • Blog idea generation
  • Meta description creation
  • On-page SEO optimization

Tools like SE Ranking’s Content Idea Finder combine keyword research and SEO monitoring with content creation. 

Our Favorite AI Content Creation Tools

AI tools like Frase, ByWord, and NeuronWriter can quickly create optimized content. They help businesses save time and resources while ensuring that their content is relevant and scalable. 

Frase generates content and offers insights into how it’s performing compared to your competitors. Writing Assistant, a useful Semrush tool, offers readability, keyword, and content length suggestions.

Our Favorite AI Voice Search Optimization Tools

Voice search is on the rise, so businesses need to update their SEO strategies accordingly. AI voice search optimization tools use natural language processing (NLP) to understand user intent. This can lead to:

  • Better website visibility and user experience
  • More accurate and relevant answers to voice search queries
  • Increased trust from customers

So if you want your business to stay ahead of the curve, it’s time to start thinking about voice search optimization.

Implementing AI in Your SEO Strategy: Practical Steps

Of course, you can’t just throw new AI SEO tools into the mix, then sit back and wait for results. Let’s go over the three key steps you’ll need to take to implement AI in your SEO strategy successfully. 

Analyzing Your Current SEO Performance

Before you start using AI for SEO, you need to assess your current SEO performance to identify areas for improvement and set goals for your AI-driven strategy. You can use metrics such as:

Use resources like Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Google Analytics to help you track your SEO performance. From there, you can make data-driven decisions for your AI strategy.

Choosing the Right AI SEO Tools

Once you have a solid understanding of your current SEO performance, it’s time to choose the right AI SEO tools. 

Take some time to research the ones that align with your goals and offer features that will meet your specific business needs. 

Some popular AI SEO tools include Semrush, SE Ranking, and Surfer SEO. Each tool offers features like keyword research, content optimization, and website performance analysis. Choose the tools that will integrate well with what you’re already using. They should also provide the data and features you need to accomplish your objectives.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your AI-Driven SEO Strategy

Finally, make sure you monitor your AI-driven SEO strategy and make adjustments. Regular self-review is the only thing that will drive consistent success.

Thankfully, there’s an AI tool for that, too. Just look at AI-powered analytics tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and Mixpanel. These help you track your website’s performance over time.


AI-driven SEO is changing the game for businesses that want to improve their online presence and search rankings. By using AI tools and strategies, you can gain an edge over the competition.  

Incorporating AI into your own SEO strategy takes some effort and planning. You’ll need to analyze your current performance, choose the right tools, and monitor and adjust your strategy as needed. But by following these simple steps, your business can achieve incredible results and stay ahead of the curve.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is SEO artificial intelligence?

SEO artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of tools that uses machine learning and data analytics for SEO optimization. It can automate tasks that would normally take a significant amount of manual effort and time. These tools can also analyze large sets of data, providing valuable insights and recommendations.

How can AI SEO tools help me improve my organic performance?

AI SEO tools help improve organic performance in several ways. They can automate tasks like keyword research, content optimization, and competitor analysis. They provide actionable insights based on large data sets, allowing for more dynamic SEO strategies. They can also handle SEO audits, find backlink opportunities, and generate automated reports.

What kind of businesses can benefit from using AI tools for SEO?

Almost any business with an online presence can benefit from AI for SEO. Whether you're a small local business, an e-commerce site, a large corporation, or a content creator, AI tools can make your life easier. These tools are especially beneficial for businesses that lack a dedicated SEO team but still want to compete in the digital sphere.

What are the benefits of AI in SEO?

AI can help you create content, improve keyword research, and automate SEO processes. Together, these benefits help you optimize your copy and reach more target audiences. You also get to save time, money, and energy while AI does the work for you.

What is the future of AI in SEO?

AI can help search engines better understand user intent, which could lead to a shift in SEO strategies. Conversational keywords and natural language may become more important as AI use grows.

Which AI writes SEO content?

ChatGPT is the original but Surfer AI and Reword are two other powerful AI tools designed specifically to optimize content for SEO. Both tools use advanced AI technology to help writers create engaging, relevant articles that are optimized for search engines. These tools also provide insights into how to improve the content for better readability.

What is AI-driven SEO?

AI-driven SEO is the use of artificial intelligence to improve a website’s search engine rankings and performance. It helps to optimize website content to attract more organic traffic from users searching online.

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Ryder Meehan

Ryder Meehan

Ryder has been on a 16-year journey to master digital marketing from every aspect. His resume includes Razorfish, Slighshot, Fossil, Samsung Mobile and Tatcha before launching Upgrow. Ryder is the acting CEO, heading business development and account services. He has been featured as a digital marketing leader on Forbes, PRNews,, Workamajig, Databox, Fit Small Biz and other outlets.

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