The Future of SEO is Keywordless: When It’s Coming & How to Prepare

by | Sep 28, 2023

The SEO game is changing.  Big time and it’s happening right now.

Simply doing keyword research and then writing content with specific words will not cut it anymore.

Google and other search engines now have the processing power, AI, and desire to prioritize truly helpful content to searchers with a great user experience.

So what does this mean for your SEO strategy and where should you focus now?

Let’s dive in!

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Old Model: Keyword-Centric SEO

Here is the classical approach to SEO—meticulously sprinkling keywords throughout articles like a chef adding spices, fine-tuning those meta descriptions to hit just the right character count, and obsessively checking those keyword rankings as if they were stock prices. This was the SEO gospel, the holy grail, the tried-and-true method we all swore by. But here’s the kicker: Google’s algorithms have graduated. They’ve moved on to more complex forms of assessment, leaving that old playbook gathering dust on the shelf.

So, if you’re still clinging to keyword-centric SEO as if it’s your marketing life raft, it’s time for a wake-up call. What Google ranks highly now is shifting, and those who don’t adapt will find themselves sinking in search rankings.

I’ve been there—injecting keywords into articles to hit a magical keyword density ratio, tweaking meta descriptions, and religiously tracking keyword rankings.  Heck, this is how most SEOs still operate, and it to be fair – it might still work for super-niche, uncompetitive queries.

It’s time to update the SEO playbook.  As SEOs, we need to understand user intent and how to address it, deliver a superior user experience, and create more unique, authoritative, and relevant content that directly answers searchers.

And if you don’t think Google is serious about going “keywordless”?  Check out the screenshot below to see how Google describes their modern ads products!  And where Google Ads goes, SEO typically trends as well.

Google Ads - Performance Max - Keywordless Future

New Model: Beyond Keywords

So what’s the new deal?  It’s all about delivering “helpful content.” Google wants to see that you’re not just throwing keywords into the wind but actually solving someone’s problem or answering their question. They also want you to show that you’re an authority on the topic (learn more about EEAT search quality rater guidelines).  That means you’ve got to focus on a few other things like:

  • Content Relevance: Your content should be spot-on and relevant to the user’s query. No fluff, just the good stuff.
  • User Experience: If your website feels like a maze, Google will know, and you’ll pay the price. Make it smooth, fast, and mobile-friendly.  Answer the user’s question quickly and directly, and use schema markup.
  • Technical SEO: I’m talking clean URLs, sitemaps, and yes, the much-hyped Core Web Vitals, as well as fast page speeds.  (Psst, need help with Technical SEO?)

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Why User Experience is Taking the Lead

Think about it—when did you last enjoy reading a keyword-stuffed article?  How about those top-ranking recipe pages where the recipe is 40 page down?

Let’s get real: the days when SEO was just a keyword popularity contest are gone. Google has morphed into that discerning food critic who cares about the whole dining experience, not just the entrée. So, what’s on Google’s new tasting menu for top-ranking sites?

It’s Not Just About Tech; It’s About Relevance

Page speed and mobile-friendliness are vital; they’re like the bread and butter on the table. But the main course? That’s “helpful content.” Google’s algorithms are now smart enough to distinguish between content that adds value and content that’s just fluff in a fancy suit.

Google Helpful Content Tweet

Personalization is the New Black

Google’s getting all up in your business—in a good way. The search giant now considers personalized factors like your search history and location. Google leverages tons of data from Chrome’s browsing history, they know your IP location address, what you watch on YouTube, and everything you do on your Android phone.

All that data can be used to tailor the perfect search results just for you.

Let me give you an example.

Searcher A: Browses Disney movie info sites, watches Disney clips on YouTube, and just came back from a trip to Disney World and searches for “cars,” then you can bet they’ll get Google search results all about the Pixar movie Cars.

Cars Movie Google Search Results

Searcher B: Browses Car listing websites, watches car review videos, and uses Google Maps to find local auto dealerships, so when they search “cars,” they are seeing all results for websites selling cars or local listings for car dealerships in their city.

Cars for Sale Google Search Results

Same keyword, very different results because the users likely had different intentions.

Reading Minds, or Just User Intent?

Okay, remember when you could kinda-sorta game the system with clever synonyms and almost-right phrases? Yeah, those days are as outdated as flip phones. Google has turned into this mind-reading genie that’s alarmingly spot-on at grasping what a user really wants to know. It’s all about user intent now, folks.

So what does this mean for you? If your content is dancing around the subject without actually landing on it, you’re not just missing the mark; you’re basically off the dartboard. Google wants you to dig deep into the “why” and “how” behind every search query.

For example, if someone’s searching for “best digital marketing strategies,” they’re not just looking for a list. They want to know why these strategies are the best and how to implement them. So, if your content isn’t doing that, you might as well be invisible.

And that’s why understanding user intent is your new golden ticket in this SEO game.

Want an easy way to understand search intent for any keyword instantly using AI?  Grab my latest Ebook for a sweet ChatGPT prompt to give it to you, plus 9 other must-have ChatGPT prompts that I use for SEO every day:

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How AI is Changing the SEO Landscape

Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a significant game-changer in the transformative universe of SEO. Google, the search engine titan, is leading this innovative dance by effectively leveraging AI.

Google has added a new tier of sophistication to its algorithms by employing AI. It’s pioneering personalized digital experiences, an evolution that’s pivoting around a profound understanding of user intent.

Machine learning, a facet of AI, is another ace in Google’s sleeve. It’s specifically designed to contextualize user searches, ensuring an accurate match between the user’s query and the search results. This transition to a user-centric approach addresses the ‘why’ behind every search, effectively moving beyond the ‘what’.

Navigating the subtleties of user intent through search queries has undergone a radical shift. AI steps in to provide factual, data-based insights, revolutionizing the traditional tact of keyword stuffing.

Anticipating user intent isn’t enough for this budding AI-driven ecosystem. Machine learning pumps up this revolution by introducing predictive search analytics. This forward-looking approach offers fascinating insights into possible future user behavior and search queries. Imagine a predictive model capable of forecasting SEO trends! That’s the power-packed reality AI is striving to bring into the SEO landscape.

Staying on the cusp of these advancements and redefining SEO norms have become essential. The era of simple keyword-optimized content is taking a backseat, making way for contextual, user-focused, and personalized content. The intertwining of SEO and AI technology is trailblazing a path for the next-gen SEO practices that every growth-focused business must acknowledge. The future of SEO now resonates with the echoing advance of AI capabilities.

Check out this post to learn more about AI and SEO.

🔗AI SEO Content Ranking: 12 Trends You Shouldn’t Ignore 🔗

The Modern Approach to the SEO Paradigm Shift

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, with seismic shifts in search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. As ambitious businesses striving to grow, it’s essential to grasp the significance of this change and leverage it to our advantage. At Upgrow, we offer a results-oriented and data-driven take on these cutting-edge developments, empowering our partners to deliver tangible business outcomes.

SEO is no longer about peppering your copy with keywords or acquiring backlinks en masse. Instead, the contemporary SEO framework prioritizes quality content, website usability, mobile responsiveness, and enhanced security measures. This seismic shift demands innovative, progressive tactics, and that’s where Upgrow shines.

With our comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, we encapsulate the new standard for successful SEO. Our knowledgeable team leverages a broad spectrum of data and analytics and uses it as the driver for our targeted, results-oriented approach. This digital marketing strategy is built on evidence, not mere speculation, ensuring we deliver the most effective solutions for your business.

We focus not just on attracting traffic to your website but on attracting the right traffic. We gear our efforts towards achieving noticeable boosts in relevancy, engagement, and overall website performance. Upgrow develops bespoke strategies optimized to deliver an impressive return on investment (ROI) by blending latent semantic indexing, engaging content creation, and meticulous competitor analysis.

This is a critical period for businesses with an eye for growth. The seismic changes in the SEO landscape are not to be feared but leveraged for optimal results. As your business scales and evolves, so should your approach to SEO. Upgrow is equipped with a wealth of experience, expertise, and a results-focused ethos to help guide your brand through these shifting sands.

Remember, this shift isn’t a detriment; it’s an opportunity to reboot, reclaim, and accelerate your digital growth. In this digitized, ambitious landscape, Upgrow is your trusted partner in navigating the modern SEO paradigm shift. Allow us to guide you forth, confident in our comprehensive understanding of the present-day SEO landscape. Our optimism and assurance lie in our proven record of maximizing sales and enhancing our clients’ online presence.

Let’s embrace this new realm of opportunities together. Venture into this new era of SEO with Upgrow—where success is data-defined, results-ensured, and growth-focused.


The SEO game is changing, and clinging solely to keywords is like clinging to a sinking ship. The future lies in understanding keywords and your user search intent, providing value that helps users solve their queries, and leveraging AI to boost efficiency. And if you’re looking for a guide through this landscape, Upgrow is ready to take the helm.

Ready to adapt and thrive? Grow your SEO today.


What is a marketing automation platform?

A marketing automation platform is a software solution that helps businesses streamline and automate their marketing efforts. It enables users to manage multiple marketing channels, including email, social media, and ad campaigns, from one place. By utilizing a marketing automation platform, businesses can effectively target their audience, nurture leads, and boost conversions.

How can social media be automated using marketing automation tools?

Marketing automation tools allow businesses to schedule social media posts, automate responses, and track engagement across various platforms. With automation, managing social media becomes more efficient, freeing up time to focus on other marketing tasks. Tools like HootSuite are excellent examples of platforms that integrate social media automation with overall marketing efforts.

What are the benefits of marketing automation for businesses?

Marketing automation enhances business efficiency by streamlining repetitive tasks such as email campaigns, lead nurturing, and A/B testing. It helps companies scale their marketing efforts, personalize communications, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately increasing ROI. Automation tools also save time and reduce the workload for marketing teams.

What are the best marketing automation platforms available?

The best marketing automation platforms include tools like HubSpot, Mailchimp, and Marketo. These platforms offer robust features, such as customer segmentation, campaign tracking, and analytics, which allow marketers to optimize their strategies and improve performance across various marketing campaigns.

How do marketing automation platforms help with marketing campaigns?

Marketing automation platforms help streamline marketing campaigns by automating tasks such as email distribution, lead generation, and social media scheduling. They also track the performance of campaigns in real-time, providing insights that help marketers adjust strategies for better outcomes. Automation reduces the time spent on manual marketing tasks, enabling teams to focus on big-picture strategy and creativity.

What should I consider when choosing the best marketing automation platforms for my business?

When selecting a marketing automation platform, consider factors like ease of use, integration with your existing tools, scalability, and the specific marketing tasks you want to automate. It’s also essential to evaluate the platform’s features for email marketing, social media management, lead generation, and analytics. Popular choices like HubSpot and Mailchimp provide all-in-one solutions for various marketing efforts.

How do automation tools improve marketing efforts?

Automation tools enhance marketing efforts by optimizing workflows, reducing manual tasks, and enabling data-driven decisions. These tools help businesses automate repetitive tasks like email campaigns, social media posts, and lead scoring, allowing marketing teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. With the right automation tools, businesses can scale their marketing efforts and improve overall efficiency.

What are the advantages of using marketing tools for a marketing strategy?

Marketing tools provide marketers with the ability to track campaign performance, manage customer data, and automate key marketing tasks. By incorporating tools like Google Analytics and HubSpot into a marketing strategy, businesses can make more informed decisions, improve personalization, and optimize their marketing campaigns for better results.

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Ryder Meehan

Ryder Meehan

Ryder has been on a 16-year journey to master digital marketing from every aspect. His resume includes Razorfish, Slighshot, Fossil, Samsung Mobile and Tatcha before launching Upgrow. Ryder is the acting CEO, heading business development and account services. He has been featured as a digital marketing leader on Forbes, PRNews,, Workamajig, Databox, Fit Small Biz and other outlets.

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